What We Can Do for You

Our Conversion Rate Optimization services are investments that can yield immediate and significant results. We’ve done it countless time - and we can help you get there faster

Get Started
Conversion Review
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Get Ready
Conversion Setup
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Get Serious
Conversion Insights
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In-depth conversion analysis
Conversion Dashboard
Conversion Profile
Custom recommendations
Technical audit
Custom conversion Tools recommendations
Conversion Tools installation and configuration
Live Skype training (1h) based on your website
Custom Analytics Dashboards
In-depth UX Analysis
In-depth Funnel Analysis
In-depth Heatmaps Analysis
Conversion Testing Strategy / Testing plan
Conversion Tests setup (5 Tests)
Conversion Tests monitoring and Analysis (5 Tests)
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Frequently Asked Questions

What Do You Need From Me For The Conversion Review?

We will ask you to fill-in a short questionnaire, and we’ll also ask to have access to your analytics. After four days, you’ll receive your report with your conversion score, profile, and recommendations. You will know exactly what you need to do to see a significant conversion rate improvement

Why is the Conversion Review so affordable?

We want to be clear on this point: this is not an automated report. For each website, we personally look at the website and check every potential conversion leak. We spend time doing it, but our experience helps us find what’s wrong VERY quickly. That’s why we manage to provide Quality and Price for our services. Honestly, we hope that you’ll recognize the value of our service and upgrade to the Conversion Starter plan.

How Does The Conversion Starter Plan Work?

You get everything that we do for the Conversion Review, plus we set you up to start testing yourself. We need access to your website to really check that everything is OK first. Most website owners think they know what is happening on their website, but trust us, they don´t. You can’t run a business without accurate data, and properly tracked goals that are specific to your activity. After opening and clearing the Pandora´s box, we define with you which testing software would work best for your industry and your assets. We will then have a live 1-hour Skype session where we will show you how to run a test. This training will help you run any test you want afterwards without our assistance.

What’s The Point Of The Conversion Insights Plan If I can Run All The Tests By Myself After the Conversion Setup?

We have many customers choosing the Conversion Magnet Plan because they want results fast. With our methodology, we know exactly how to run and analyze tests very quickly. The first month will cost you $750, and we will charge you $500 per month on an ongoing basis to continuously help you optimize your website.